Sunday, April 26, 2015

Drinking Coffee for Your Health

It is not often that you look at your daily cup of coffee and think of it as a healthy beverage, but perhaps it is time to change that perception. There is mounting evidence that coffee is not just good for sharpening your focus and increasing your productivity, but it is also helpful in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. This is good news for coffee aficionados, as it provides an even greater reason to chug that morning mug beyond its warmth and flavor.

A longtime coffee drinker, Adam Kutner is thrilled to learn of the studies asserting the many health benefits of coffee. He also has his own advice that he feels coffee drinkers should adopt, believing that too many are adding cream and sugar in excessive quantities.

The cream and sugar that so many add to that morning cup of coffee add significant calories and offer very little in the way of nutritional benefits. Kutner prefers to drink his coffee black and opts for a dark roast, but it was not always that way. In fact, Kutner was once guilty of adding far too much cream and sugar until he began to slowly reduce the amount he added before eventually making the switch to black.

Many black coffee drinkers prefer the taste and feel that this is the way that coffee should be consumed. As for those health benefits, drinking black coffee is certainly the way to go to maximize the healthiness of your favorite morning beverage.

The post Drinking Coffee for Your Health appeared first on Joe's Regular Blog.

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