Thursday, April 30, 2015

Luigi Wewege Opens His Day With Coffee

Coffee helps you work better. It’s true, according to a new study earlier this year, coffee actually helps you concentrate. Caffeine is absorbed into the brain just like a sponge soaks up water. When this happens, many of the neurons, or also better known as brain cells are impacted in a way that benefits you. As the years come and go, many studies continue to reveal that caffeine can increase mental focus and concentration. This is why we feel compelled to drink this natural stimulant in the morning to shake the cobwebs out. When CEO of Vivier & Co., Luige Wewege, was recently asked what makes him productive, he responded by saying,

“It always starts with a coffee due to being predominantly a night owl. I am at my most productive when it’s quiet and I can work without interruptions and distractions. To allow the latter to occur I during the day, endeavor to check in with international staff members as they come online via their respective time zones and go over any pressing issues they may have”

Seems like Mr. Wewege knows exactly what he’s doing. He is drinking his coffee during the time he needs to be the most alert. That’s another thing. The less caffeine you consume, the more powerful it will be for you. We have all heard the saying that less is more. This is because the mind and body react to this natural stimulant as part of natural life. This means the more you use, faster and easier your body gets adjusted and stops reacting the same way. The feeling and rush of natural adrenaline from the caffeine fades. Knowing this, if you want to get the most from caffeine, the trick is to limit your consumption to about 300 mg per day and consume it only one time every day, usually at the moment you need to be the most alert.


The post Luigi Wewege Opens His Day With Coffee appeared first on Joe's Regular Blog.

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